Out of Town Buyers

Typically, the Schedule Works Like This:

DAY 1: See 10-15 houses. Pick your top 3-5.

DAY 2: Second showings of your top 3-5 houses, and any new ones that may have popped up. Either sleep on it, or write an offer.

DAY 3: Write an offer &/or wait for the response from the seller. Apply for your mortgage in person with your lender. This can also be done online. Relax.

DAY 4: Inspections - I will schedule these in the week prior to your visit, then give them the address once we know it. Explore A2.

DAY 5: Follow-up inspections. If necessary, post-inspection negotiations.  EXPLORE/RELAX.

DAY 6/7: Buffer days, in case the above doesn’t go quite as planned.


Out of Town Buyers

Between Now and Then:


  • Stay active on your client portal - I will pull from your Saved Folder, in conference with you, to schedule the houses to see.
  • Interview a lender or two and ask them to send me a pre-approval letter. I will need to submit this with your offer.


Be Sure To Bring Your Checkbook To A2:


  • Inspections will total about $600-$800. You will need to put down an Earnest Money Deposit (between $2,000 & $10,000+, depending on the house you choose).
  • You may need to pay your application fee when you meet with the lender. They will usually accept a credit card online.